ISSN : 0970 - 020X, ONLINE ISSN : 2231-5039

Effect of Organophosphate Pesticide Dimecron (Phosphamidon) on the Level of D.N A, R.N.A and Protein of Rat Brain

S. Asif Zaidi, Shalini Pande* and V. S. Singh

Department of Biochemistry, L. L. R. M . Medical College, Meerut India.

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Dimecron (Phosphamidon) (2 Chloro-2-diethyl carbamoy 1-Methyl Vinyl diroctby) pbnsphate) 5 mg Kg body weight was injected intraperitonealiy (i p) daily for 10 days. The dairy i p dose of Dimecron (Hindustan Ciba Geigy Ltd.) depleted the level of D N A i n all brain regions, whereas the level of R N A decreased in cerebral hemisphere and increased in rest of the brain parts. Increased level of Protein was observed in cerebral hemisphere while the level decreased in cerebellum and brain stem


Organophosphate; Pesticide

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Zaidi S. A, Pande S, Singh V. S. Effect of Organophosphate Pesticide Dimecron (Phosphamidon) on the Level of D.N A, R.N.A and Protein of Rat Brain. Orient J Chem 1988;4(4).

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Zaidi S. A, Pande S, Singh V. S. Effect of Organophosphate Pesticide Dimecron (Phosphamidon) on the Level of D.N A, R.N.A and Protein of Rat Brain. Orient J Chem 1988;4(4). Available from:

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