ISSN : 0970 - 020X, ONLINE ISSN : 2231-5039


Hematological Assessment of Phorate Toxicity in Albino Rats

Mushtaq Ali Qureshi, Upendra Bhatnagar* and Chandrakant Bhangale


Different doses of freshly prepared PHORATE (O,O, Diethyle s-ethyle thiomethyl phosphorodithioate) solution was sprayed over soyabean which was fed to albino rats (After 8 days storage). Administration of Phorate treated soyabean showed marked lymphopenia, heterophilia & Eosinophilia. In spite of marked lymphopenia, leucopenia did not result in experimental rats, exceeded the normal values. The increase of total WBC In phorate fed rats indicates increased generation of granulocyte precursors by this insecticide. Hemoglobin & Heamatocrit decreased gradually where as MCV, MCH & MCHC increases with increase in doses of phorate.


Hematological; Assessment; Toxicity; Albino Rats

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