ISSN : 0970 - 020X, ONLINE ISSN : 2231-5039


Chemical Biological Composition of Soil and Sustainable Yield of Soybean  Under Ipnm System In Central Inida

R. K. Tenguria and K. Menaria


The results acquire on chemical composition of soil with respect to NPK, pH, EC and OC indicated that these contents were significantly enchanced at different stages of soybean growth on the application of different IPNM treatments. The maximum nutrient contents (NPK) accumulated in case of (T7) followed by (T6). The biological composition viz, microflora status (population of bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes) in soil indicated IPNM treatments has also showd their efficiency to increase the OC and OM significantly leading to the improved biological properties or soil. The pH and EC were remained normal due to the incorporation or different treatments.


Soybean; IPNM System ; Central India

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