ISSN : 0970 - 020X, ONLINE ISSN : 2231-5039

Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Studies of Copper (Ii) Complexes of Semicarbazone and Thiosemicarbazone of M- Hydroxy Benzaldehyde and P-Hydroxy Benzaldehyde

Kumari Sapna1 , Navin Kumar Sharma2 and Seema Kohli1

1Department of Chemistry, M. M. H. College (C.C.S. University, Meerut), Ghaziabad (India). 2Department of Chemistry, Inderprastha Engineering College, Sahibabad (India).

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We have synthesized Cu(II) complexes with m- hydroxy benzaldehyde semicarbazone (L1 =Hm-HBSC), m-hydroxy benzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone (L2= Hm-HBTSC), p- hydroxyl benzaldehyde semicarbazone (L3= Hp-HBSC) and p-hydroxybenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone (L4= Hp-HBTSC). These complexes were characterized through elemental analysis, molecular weight, electrical conductance and magnetic susceptibilities at room temperature .The observed magnetic moments of all these complexes are consistent with the presence of a single unpaired electron. On the basis of above observations the complexes were proposed to be octahedral structure. These complexes were screened for anti-bacterial and antifungal properties and have exhibited potential activity.


m-hydroxybenzaldehyde; p-hydroxybenzaldehyde Semicarbazone; Thiosemicarbazone; Antibacterial Activity; Antifungal Activity etc

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Sapna K, Sharma N. K, Kohli S. Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Studies of Copper (Ii) Complexes of Semicarbazone and Thiosemicarbazone of M- Hydroxy Benzaldehyde and P-Hydroxy Benzaldehyde. Orient J Chem 2012;28(2).

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Sapna K, Sharma N. K, Kohli S. Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Studies of Copper (Ii) Complexes of Semicarbazone and Thiosemicarbazone of M- Hydroxy Benzaldehyde and P-Hydroxy Benzaldehyde. Available from:


The synthesis  of  transition metal complexes with thiosemicarbazone ligands have been receiving considerable attention due to the pharmacological properties of both ligands and complexes1-3.The Chemistry of Thiosemicarbazone has received considerable attention because of their variable bonding modes, promising biological implications, structural diversity, and ion – sensing ability4-6 .The ligand, based on semicarbazone and pyridoxal moieties(forms found in vitamin B6), has an enormous potential as a biologically active reagent as it has been demonstrated that transition metal complexes incorporating semicarbazones show biological activity. In particular, with regard to biological importance, nickel(II) complexes with semicarbazone ligands show antibacterial acivity7 , and copper(II) complexes containing semicarbazones have also displayed biological properties8-10. Additionally, several nickel(II) complexes with octadiensemicarbazones exhibit strong inhibitory activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Eschericia coli11.In vitro anticancer studies of several  nickel (II) complexes with naphthoquinonesemicarbazone and thiosemicarbazone on MCF – 7 human breast cancer cells reveal that  semicarbazone derivative with nickel(II) complexes is more actively inhibiting cell proliferation than thiosemicarbazone analogues12 .

The present work is related to synthesized and characterization of  Cu(II) complex of Semicarbazone  and Thiosemicarbazone   of m- hydroxybenzaldehyde and p-hydroxybenzaldehyde. These were screened antibacterial, and antifungal properties.



All the chemicals used of analytical R grade and procured from sigma- Aldrich and flucka metal salts were purchased from E. Merck and used as received

Synthesis of Ligands(L)

Hot ethanolic solution of m-hydroxybenzaldehyde and p-hydroxybenzaldehyde allowed to react with semicarbazide/thiosemicarbazide. The resulting mixture was heated on water bath for 4-5h. After cooling, the precipitate was collected and washed thoroughly with water and crystallized twice from ethanol to furnish m-hydroxybenzaldehyde and p-hydroxybenzaldehyde semicarbazone and thiosemicarbazone as long, thick ,whitish yellow  and short  pale yellow needles.. These ligands are dried over vacuum over P4O10.

Synthesis of Complex

A general method was used for the synthesis of the complexes. They were prepared by mixing an ethanolic solution (20ml) o.1 mol of hydrated metal salts and a warm ethanolic solution (20ml) of respective ligand(0.05)mol. The resulting reaction mixture were heated on water bath for 4-5h.They were filtered, washed several times with distilled water and dried over P4O10 .


The C, H, and N were recrystalized on Carlo- Erba 1106 elemental analyzer. The nitrogen contents of the complexes was determined using Kjeldahl,s  method copper contents of the complexes were estimated complexometrically with EDTA using mercuroxide and erichrome blackT as an indicator after decomposing the complexes with concentrated H2SO4 and H2O213.  The electronic spectra in  DMF   were recorded on a Toshniwal – CL – 54 spectrophotometer. Molar conductance data were recorded on systronics conductometer model 303 using DMF. The magnetic measurement on powder form of the complexes were carried out at room temperature on Gouy,s balance using anhydrous copper sulphate as calibrant. The infra – red spectra of the  complexes were recorded on Perkin Elmer infra- red spectrophotometer model-521 in KBr/CSI in the range 4000-200 cm-1 . The analytical data, colour, conductivity measurements, magnetic susceptibility, electronic spectra and  decomposition temperature of the complexes shown in Table – 1.

Table 1: Analytical, magnetic moment, electronic spectra, decomposition temperature and molar conductance data for ligands and their metal complexes

Complexes MW µ eff


Molar Conductance

-1 cm2 mol-1


electronic cm-1



     %Analysis found (Cal.)







197.15 170









195.26 185









196.27 160









195.26 185









296 1.86 19 12500


307 16.45








 [Cu(L2)2]Cl2 312 1.81 20 12620


312 5.33








 [Cu(L3)2]Cl2 296 1.82 17 12380











 [Cu(L4)2]Cl2 312 1.83 20 12136











 [Cu(L1)2]Br2 584 1.97 19 12380











 [Cu(L2)2]Br2 400 1.87 21 12250











 [Cu(L3)2]Br2 384 1.92 19 12980











  [Cu(L4)2]Br2 400 1.95 17 12580


291 14.85








Antimicrobial Screening

In vitro antimicrobial screening was performed by agar disc diffusion method 14-15. All the test organisms were obtained from microbial type culture collection and gene bank [MTCC]. Nutrient agar growth media was prepared according to the instruction of MTCC .

Antibacterial Screening

The antibacterial activity of the ligand and its metal complexes were tested  by using paper disc diffusion method16-18   against Bacillus macerans (gram positive) and pseudomonas striata (gram negative) at  concentration of compound 25µg\ml and 50 µg\ml. Twenty five  millilitre nutrient agar media was poured in each petriplates. After solidification,0.1 ml of test bacteria spread over the medium using a spreader. The discs of whatman no.1 filter paper having diameter 5.00 mm were placed containing  at four equidistant places at a distance of 2 cm from the centre in the inoculated petriplates.. The petriplates were incubated at 370C for 26 hours. The zone of inhibition was calculated.

Antifungal Screening

The antifungal activity of ligand and its metal complexes were tested against two pathogenic fungi, Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger. The compounds having concentration 25µg/ml and 50µg/ml were poured in petridishes and Similar experiment were repeated and zones of inhibition formed were measured and compared with that of DMF to evaluate  the zone  of inhibition due to test compound.

Result and Discussion

The IR spectrum of ligand L1 (Hm-HBSC) and L3 (Hp-HBSC) exhibits a band at 1630 cm-1 which may be assigned19-25   due to VC=O  group of semicarbazone  moiety.This band is  shifted to higher frequency  region with decreased sharpness and intensity in the complexes indicating the participitation of carbonyl oxygen of semicarbazone in the coordination conqfirmed by the appearance of a band in the far IR region at the region 450-465 Cm-1 in the complexes may be assigned 20-26 to vM-O .

The other Ir band of structural significance in the ligand L1L2, L3,L4appears v 1460 cm-1 which may be assignable to VC=N19-28.These band also shifted to higher wave number an complexation which suggest involvement of azomethine N in bonding with metal ions confirmed by appearance a new band in the far infra-red region at 350-365cm-1 in  complexes20-26 to VM-N.The next IR for L2 and L4[Hm-HBTSC]  and [Hp-HBTSC] show medium bands on the range 19-23  650-780 cm -1   to vC=S.These band is shifted in the complexes indicating coordination of thiosulpur atom by appearance a new band in far region at 395-415cm-1 in the complexes assignable 20-23,26,29,30 to VM-S.These results are in agreement with other thiosemicarbazone compound . The vibrational frequencies of –NH 2 group remain unchanged for both the ligands and the complexs.This evidence indicates the non-coordination of –NH2 group to metal ion.

The band at  3335 cm-1 in the spectrum of  L1, L2,L3,L4 which is absent in the spectra of complexes, is ascribed to free hydroxyl group.The decreasing v(OH)  wave number in the ligand compared to free v(OH) group 3700-3500 cm-1 seems to suggest the participation of these groups in intermolecular and intramolecular hydrogen bonding31-33Table – 2.

Electronic Spectra

The electronic spectra of Cu(II) complexes display  bands in the ranges of 15432-14727 cm-1 and 25575-25380 cm-1.These bands correspond to the transition2B1g2A1g, 2B1g2B2g  and third band 2B1g – Eg in range of 33670 – 32570 cm-1 may be due to charge transfer. But generally such complexes exhibit a broad structure less bond with or without shoulder between 1400-1800 cm-1 depending upon the strength of in plane and axial ligands. The spectra of these complexes show  octahedral geometry.

Table 2: Infrared  spectral data of L1, L2,L3,L4 and its complexes with Cu(ll) metal ions                                       

Compounds v(OH) v(NH) v(C=O) v(C=N) v(C=S) v(M-O) v(M-S) v(M-N)
      L1 3335 3400-3100 1630 1460
       L2 3332 3372-3100 1510 780
       L3 3436 3270-3100 1630 1490
       L4 3537 3273-3160 1992 680
[Cu(L1)2]Cl2 3500-3000 1621 1490 435 344
[Cu(L2)2]Cl2 3500-3000 1491 740 405 355
[Cu(L3)2]Cl2 3500-3000 1619 1493 460 350
[Cu(L4)2]Cl2 3500-3000 1587 742 400 340
[Cu(L1)2]Br2 3200-3000 1620 1583 465 360
[Cu(L2)2]Br2 3270-3001 1584 740 410 350
[Cu(L3)2]Br2 3273-3000 1625 1581 462 350
[Cu(L4)2]Br2 3271-3000 1502 743 400 340

In view of biological  relevance  the ligand (Hm-HBSC) /(Hp-HBSC) and their metal complexes of Cu(II) were screened  at a concentration of 25µg/ml and 50µg/ml were checked against gram positive bacteria (bacillus macerans) and gram negative (pseudomonas striata) and were screened for their  antifungal activities against two fungi (A .niger and C.albicans).(Table 3,4).The results have been  compared  with known drug ciproflaxin against bacteria and standard drug Nystatin against fungi.The complexes  of thiosemicarbazone were found to be more effective than  semicarbazone and free ligands.

Table-3 Antibacterial activiyof  the Complexs

      Complexes                   Inhibition of B.macerans         Inhibition P.striata

Conc.(µg/ml)                                    Conc.(µg/ml)


 25 µg/ml    50µg/ml  25 µg/ml          50µg/ml
[Cu(Hm-HBSC)2]Cl2   11                            9 10                                  9
[Cu(Hm-HBTSC)2]Cl2 13                              15 14                                   12
[Cu(Hp-HBSC)2]Cl2 __                               6 5                                        __
[Cu(Hp-HBTSC)2]Cl2 17                               11 16                                    18
Ciprofloxacin  __                                22 __                                     21

Table 4: Antifungal activiyof  the Complexs

Complexes                       Inhibition of C.albicans                       Inhibition A.niger

Conc.(µg/ml)                                      Conc.(µg/ml)


25 µg/ml     50µg/ml

 25 µg/ml          50µg/ml

[Cu(Hm-HBSC)2]Cl2 10                               9 8                                    7
[Cu(Hm-HBTSC)2]Cl2 16                             11 16                                 14
[Cu (Hp-HBSC)2]Cl2 7                                __ 6                                     5
[Cu(Hp-HBTSC)2]Cl2 17                                 18 15                                  19
Nystatin __                               22 21                                  __


The authors are thankful  to Amit Kaushik  (BIBCOL) Bulandshar (U.P.),India for providing research facilities for valuable biological activity and encouragement.


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